Hello parents and students!

Welcome to Mr. Hill's Blog! This is going to be a great 2013- 2014 school year at Blue Ridge. Be sure to check this blog regularly for updates, and Science Lab news Be Sure to Subscribe!.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Solar Power!

Well we are two months into the 2012 - 2013 school year and the students are enjoying their time in the Science Lab.  This week we extended the distilling water experiment and made Solar Water Distillers. We discussed what solar energy is and where it comes from, then compared Solar energy effectiveness to the Hot Plates we used last week, which is converting electrical energy to thermal energy.  The students really enjoyed this experiment and are working better with problem solving in groups rather than asking me for all the answers (creating independent thinkers!).  Parents ask your student about this project, you can do it at home too!  Well until next time.............I wonder what experiment will we do next week, maybe something with Ice Cream.   O.O   ( :



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1. Absorb more solar energy by spray painting the pan black, or lay black paper on the bottom. Black will absorb more soler rays and convert it to heat.
    2. The water is being distilled anyways but if you want to keep the paint from absorbing contaminants in the water, cover pan with one solid sheet of plastic wrap to line the pan. Then put in dirty water and cover everything with plastic wrap to serve as the condensing surface while adding a few pennies to cause the condensate to drip were desired.
