Greetings parents, children and educators!
Our students at Blue Ridge are fully engulfed in their science fair
projects and that’s great. I look forward to seeing their finish
projects. The next item due off your Science Fair Time line is your
Hypothesis (due 12-19-12). Simply put, your hypothesis is an educated
guess on what the outcome of your experiment will be prior to you actually performing
your experiment. An educated guess uses your prior knowledge on the
subject were as a random guess is something you just come up with that doesn't
have to make logical sense.
The key thing to remember students is to keep up
with your Science Fair Time line, and also ask questions to your parent,
teacher, and myself if you don't understand a step. Do not come to your
science teacher or me the day of or the day before something is due off your
Science Fair Time Line. Your experiment & investigation step should be perform
during you winter break so make sure you gather all your materials during the
upcoming weeks. Well I hope this post helps, and remember I am here to
assist you with your project but you are the captain.