Hello parents and students!

Welcome to Mr. Hill's Blog! This is going to be a great 2013- 2014 school year at Blue Ridge. Be sure to check this blog regularly for updates, and Science Lab news Be Sure to Subscribe!.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Multiplication Fluency

Greetings parents,

         This year I am really encouraging my students to learn their multiplication facts in a timely manner.  Knowing these facts without hesitation will help them this year, and for years to come.  Blue Ridge is utilizing a wonderful internet website called Reflex Math.  This website is taking multiplication fluency to the next generation!  Every student in my class has an account and can log on to the website by clicking the Launch Link found in the top right corner.  The user name for every student is mrhillclass.  Type this user name without any spaces.  Every student has their own password, and if they do not know it please email me and I can provide that information for you.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Parent Teacher Conference

Parent Teacher Conference Day is Thursday, Oct., 6th from 1:00  to 5:30pm.  I have distributed a school letter to the students were parents can make appointments for a conference.  Also, this year I will be using a new technology in my class room called Gizmos!  The website is awesome!  Every students has an account and can log into the website by following this link GIZMOS.  If you have access to the internet at home your student can log on at home too.  More information about Gizmos will be posted shortly.......

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Welcome back to School

Hello, this is going to be a great and exciting school year.  I look forward to working with you and your student(s), and I know they will enjoy learning in my classroom.  Below is a link for all your back to school needs. Welcome Back to Fort Bend ISD!

A little about me..............

Hello Parents. My name is Derrick Hill, and I am the 4th Grade Team Leader for the 2011-2012 school year. I am very enthusiastic about this year because this will be my fourth year educating Blue Ridge students, and watching them reach their academic goals! I am a Fort Bend product who attended Ridgegate Elementary, Christa McAuliffe Middle School, and Willowridge High School. After graduating from Willowridge I continued my education at The University of Houston and earned a Bachelors Degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management. While attending college, I frequently tutored math and reading in my mother’s 3rd grade ESL classroom. Doing so, I discovered I have a sincere passion for helping children reach their academic goals. After graduating I decided to follow my true passion and became a teacher. Last year, I obtained a Master degree in Education Administration from the University of Houston. I am married, and have three active children.

Parents, I am a firm believer in communication. Your child can excel academically this school year through our constant communication and collaboration. Throughout the year I will post different academic resources on this site and update you on their homework assignments. If you need to contact me I can be reach through email derrick.hill@fortbendisd.com or via phone (281) 634-0814. My goal for all of my students is for them to reach their academic potential at Blue Ridge Elementary, and 10 years down the road come back and visit me so I can write them a letter of recommendation into their college of choice (hopefully The University of Houston=)

My List of activities at Blue Ridge are below:

• Basketball Coach
• Tutor (after school & Saturday school)
• Boy Sports After School Program instructor
• Chess Club sponsor